Our school is a member of the El Dorado Charter Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA). By adopting the SELPA Local Plan for Special Education, our Board agrees to abide by the SELPA’s policies and accepts responsibility for coordinating the administration of the Local Plan. For more information and access to the Local Plan documents, please visit the El Dorado Charter SELPA website at: https://charterselpa.org/governance/. The SELPA Policies and Administrative Regulations provides policies for the Identification and Evaluation of Individuals for Special Education, Individualized Education Program (IEP), Procedural Safeguards and Complaints for Special Education, Personnel Qualifications, Overidentification and Disproportionality, Nonpublic Schools and Agencies, as well as other special education related topics.

El Dorado County Office of Education 

El Dorado County Charter SELPA

Community Advisory Committee (CAC)

Written By:
Ivan Poma