All Charter School students receive instruction provided exclusively in partnership with the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (“WIOA”) pursuant to Education Code section 47605.1(f). The Charter School has entered into exclusive partnerships with WIOA service providers whose services and training are infused in the school’s instruction, curriculum and other programming and are provided to all students. These exclusive partnerships as documented by MOUs or other forms of written agreements with our WIOA partners are critical to the ongoing design and implementation of curriculum, blending academics with a focus on credit recovery with practical professional and vocational applications.
WIOA, which was signed into law on July 22, 2014, reauthorizing the Workforce Investment Act of 1998, authorizes services for youth, adults and laid-off workers. WIOA is considered to be the most significant reform of federal job training programs in more than 15 years and a critical step toward helping workers and employers succeed in the 21st century economy. The Charter School’s instructional program, provided in exclusive partnership with WIOA, is provided in a year-round program emphasizing attainment of basic skill competencies, enhancing opportunities for academic and occupational training, and providing exposure to the job market and employment. Activities may include instruction leading to completion of secondary school, tutoring, internships, job shadowing, work experience, adult mentoring and comprehensive guidance and counseling.
Through its exclusive WIOA partnerships, the Charter School provides all students with, among other things, a variety of potential services, which also benefit the communities in which students reside. These services include:
- Universal access to job search and labor market information
- Advice, counseling and support
- Education and skills training
- Individual choice of service
- Basic skills assessment
- Resources and guidance help to attain educational goals
- Leadership development opportunities
- Exposure to work environment through training and adult mentoring
The blended partnerships between the Charter School team and WIOA service providers offers a unique educational program that is unlike anything offered by other schools in the communities we serve. Our students benefit from not only being academically prepared for life beyond high school, but are also career- and college-ready upon graduation.